Having worked as an Investigator with ample experience and training in Surveillance, records research, Child Custody cases, Divorce cases and Injury Fraud cases and charged with the responsibility of training new investigators; Jim Casteel, having become an expert in field surveillance, Left Mark II in 1996 to operate his own detective Agency. For the following five years, having started up a company known as Altima Investigations, Mr. Casteel tested his interest in Product liability investigations, Internal theft, missing persons, drug and substance abuse cases and undercover drug operations. Mr. Casteel has had the pleasure of working close together with law enforcement in theft stings (Birmingham P.D.), missing persons cases, child abuse and neglect cases and lengthy undercover drug operations where Mr. Casteel worked in deep cover inside factories to weed out employees who sold drugs on company time and property (Calhoun County Drug Task force and Anniston P.D).
In 2001 Jim Casteel Formed The Casteel Agency (Current legal name is Casteel & Associates LLC). The Casteel Agency strives to assist people whose lives are turned upside down as a result of divorce or Child Custody issues. The Casteel agency specializes in surveillance in both domestic and corporate cases (Injury fraud, child custody, divorce, cohabitation, internal theft etc.)
Jim Casteel is currently serving his profession as the President of the Alabama Private Investigator’s Association as well as serving the consumer on the Alabama Private Investigator’s Regulatory Board. Jim has worked close with child advocate programs to bring in speakers to their conferences to educate investigators on the early warning signs of domestic abuse and child endangerment. Jim and wife Betty also operate a Spy Store that sells personal protection items as well as child tracking and monitoring items and support a “don’t be a victim” program taught in the Birmingham area.